Monday, 25 July 2011

Vacation mode!


Well the last couple of months have been very busy for me as i was making over 20 dolls for my friend's wedding in August. I had to put some orders and projects aside for that reason and now it's time for me to take a break much needed as i'm terribly on edge at the moment! I get easily irritated and nobody deserves to handle that! ;)
So off i am from now to the 22nd of august!!

But before i take a break, i'm taking a little moment to show you one of the dolls i've made for my friend. It took me so much time to finish them all, unfortunately not many people are aware of how much time can be spent in the making of one doll! :(

Anyway, i put my bad mood in the trash and off i am to come back all hapy and refreshed!!! :)


  1. Have a very happy vacation time! You surely deserve it :-)
    And I completely understand how you can feel when people can't understand how much time it takes to make a doll (or every other handmade unique creation). Every artist has unfortunately to deal with this :-(

  2. Have a very good time!

    You are gonna be back full of energy and positive thoughts.

    Take care.

    Carmen A.

  3. Hope you are all relaxed after the break and full of more ideas for dolls :o)
