Friday, 6 May 2011


This is Elise my latest doll (and not the first time i call a doll Elise!), she is slightly different from all the dolls i've made so far as i tried to age her and stained her dress with tea. She also has unusual feet as i first imagined her being a ghost and floatting in the air...
But i don't imagine her as a ghost anymore, not since i've added this little pretty butterfly brooch that i bought last week from a nice lady. The brooch is from the 1920's, so pretty and so delicate. I was nicely suprised about the pin at the back, i won't know how to explain but it's definitely different from nowadays brooches.
I'll have to show you the other treasures i got on the same day, two taxidermy butterflies in 1960's frames...lovely!


  1. Bon celle-ci faut pas la casser! Ce serait vraiment dommage! ;)

  2. ah non, non ça risque pas, elles sont solides! mais la précédente j'ai trop testé de choses sur elle et elle n'a pas supporté! je suis surtout allée trop vite sur certaines étapes.

  3. Elise is mysterious and rare, but she is wonderful. I really like this doll y the brooch vintage!! She will fly ghostly and ethereal...

    A greeting
